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Our collaboration 

the MAC collaboration involves both nuclear astrophysicists and experimental nuclear physicists to jointly study the physics of compact stars

Credit: National Science Foundation/LIGO/Sonoma State University/A. Simonnet.

Three different phenomenologies
will be studied


The emission of GW from neutron star binaries and associated parameters (tidal polarizability, r-modes). In this case the dominant uncertainties are due to the EoS modeling, and the possible phase transitions of the dense matter.

The dynamics of CCSN collapse and the estimation of the emitted neutrino spectrum, with a unified treatment of the EoS and the distribution of nuclei at thermodynamic equilibrium. The sources of uncertainty then lie in the nuclear mass model and in the EC rates.

The cooling of neutron stars and the crystallization of the crust. For these phenomena the uncertainties in the modeling derive both from the EoS (for isolated or non-isolated stars) and from the surface properties of very neutron-rich nuclei.

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